DRC: 10,000 people have taken refuge in Mweso hospital since the end of January

DRC: 10,000 people have taken refuge in Mweso hospital since the end of January

Around 10,000 people fled their homes and took refuge in the Mweso general reference hospital (60 km north of Goma, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo) since January 22 and a new explosion of clashes between armed groups in this area, reported Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) on Thursday.

Medical structures supported by MSF in North Kivu have received a massive influx of war wounded in recent days, as thousands of people flee the latest waves of armed clashes in this eastern province of the DRC.

The humanitarian organization reports 67 war wounded treated in January in its structures, among which more than fifty were civilians, including 21 children under 15 years old.

“With the intensification of fighting in Mweso in recent days, many people sheltering in hospital have fled to Kitshanga, Katsiru, Nyanzale, Pinga, Kalembe and Kashunga. However, at least 2,500 people, including minors who have lost their parents, continue to find refuge within the hospital grounds. adds MSF.

In neighboring South Kivu, recent clashes have also caused a new wave of displacement, with several thousand people arriving in recent days in the border town of Bweremana and, further south, in Minova.

At the Minova general referral hospital, around thirty injured people were treated between February 2 and 6, including four children and 12 patients requiring surgical intervention.

“Today, health structures in the Minova health zone are overwhelmed and face shortages of essential medicines to treat common pathologies such as malaria, diarrheal diseases, malnutrition and respiratory infections,” alerts the coordinator of the MSF emergency team in South Kivu, Rabia Ben Ali.

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