Security and climate challenges: Cameroon calls for increased international solidarity

Security and climate challenges: Cameroon calls for increased international solidarity

Cameroon has launched an urgent appeal to the international community to strengthen solidarity in the face of the security and climate challenges shaking the African continent. During the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Lejeune Mbella Mbella, personal representative of Cameroonian Head of State Paul Biya, stressed the urgency of concerted action to deal with the consequences of these crises.

The separatist conflict in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon and the recent floods in the Far North have caused considerable human losses and massive population displacements. These tragic events have highlighted the country’s vulnerability to external shocks and the need for increased international support.

Faced with climate challenges, Lejeune Mbella Mbella urged the international community to respect the commitments made under the Paris Agreement. Cameroon, which is home to a significant part of the Congo Basin forest, has stressed the importance of implementing planned measures to combat climate change without delay.

Furthermore, Paul Biya’s country has called for an in-depth reform of the international financial architecture in order to allow developing countries to access financing more suited to their needs.

The Cameroonian Minister of External Relations, Lejeune Mbella Mbella, also welcomed the adoption of the Pact for the Future by the United Nations. This pact, which includes 56 measures, aims to promote sustainable development, peace, security and global governance. The country hopes that this new framework will strengthen international cooperation and find lasting solutions to the challenges facing the world.