“Make some noise, I have been arrested”, Ali Bongo begs his English-speaking “friends” to help him

Gabon: Ali Bongo ends his hunger strike

Due to the risks to his health, which had already deteriorated significantly since the stroke he suffered in October 2018, the former Gabonese president was forced by his family to end the hunger strike he had been on since mid-May.

Former Gabonese President Ali Bongo has ended his hunger strike, RFI reported on Sunday, June 30. On bad terms with the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI), Ali Bongo Ondimba had started a hunger strike on May 14, 2024.

After 45 days of fighting back against what he considers to be inhumane treatment inflicted on his wife and son, the former Gabonese Head of State has decided to lift his deprivation, reports RFI. According to the media, a possible agreement between Ali Bongo and the government was reached, since a few days later, his two sons Jalil and Bilal, who lived with him in his residence, were able to leave Gabon.