Benin: object of appeal to the Court, The Democrats react…

Benin: object of appeal to the Court, The Democrats react…

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The Honorable Aké Natondé, of the parliamentary group “Union Progressive le Renouveau” and Assan Séïbou who chairs the parliamentary group “Bloc Républicain” have filed an appeal before the Constitutional Court against their fellow Democrats who are once again rejecting the positions that were given to them reserved in the standing committees of the National Assembly.

It was Vice-President Eugène Azatassou who reacted to the appeal filed by the two most represented political blocs in the National Assembly against the parliamentary group “Les Démocrates”.

In the appeal, the two parliamentarians ask the institution to note compliance with decision Dcc 23-054 of March 9, 2023 which orders the resumption of elections for committee members following an appeal by opposition deputies. Despite the resumption of the elections, the opposition deputies rejected the positions reserved for them for a second time.

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Asked about the recourse of the parliamentary majority, Eugène Azatassou affirms: “We hope that the Constitutional Court will understand that we are wronged and that the act we have taken is a way for us to express our indignation at being treated in this way.“. According to the vice-president of the democrats, by ordering the resumption of the elections with the exception of the positions of president of the commissions, the high court did not meet the expectations of the deputies of the opposition who had lodged an appeal.

Initially, the setting up of commission offices was organised. We felt we were wronged. We seized the Court, but it practically agreed with them as regards the question of the presidencies, and it was the secretariats that were reserved for us. This is what will always be reserved. Our comrades deputies considered that the reason for which they reacted like that by protesting and not accepting, this reason remains, since it was not linked to the opinion of the Court. It was related to the fact that we felt aggrieved and therefore we are always aggrieved. We continued to show in our act, that we are wronged Hammered Eugène Azatassou at the microphone of BIP Radio.

It should be noted that the constitutional court will consider the appeal of the two parliamentarians tomorrow Tuesday, May 23, 2023. Its decision is therefore awaited.