DRC: 18 civilians and a soldier killed by militias in the west
Eighteen civilians and a Congolese soldier were killed by militias earlier this week in the west of the Democratic Republic of Congo, as part of a community-based conflict which is increasingly spreading, a- we learned on Sunday from the minutes of the council of ministers.
During the meeting of the Council of Ministers held on Friday in Kinshasa, the Minister of Defense informed members of the government of the “incursion” carried out by the “Mobondo” militiamen on Monday September 11 in the village of Final , in the territory of Kimvula, province of Kongo-central, indicated government spokesperson Patrick Muyaya in his report.
It was recorded “a toll of 18 civilians and one soldier killed”, another soldier missing and “the whole village (was) set on fire”, detailed this source, adding that “the defense and security forces continue to hunt down these Mobondo attackers.” The territory of Kimvula is located approximately 190 km from Kinshasa, the capital of the country.
Community violence in the west of the DRC began in June 2022 in the territory of Kwamouth in the province of Mai-Ndombe around a land conflict between the Teke, who consider themselves owners of the villages located along the Congo River. over a distance of approximately 200 kilometers, and the Yaka, who came to settle after them.
After a lull, violence resumed in early March and since then, hundreds of people have been killed in attacks targeting Teke villages and security forces. Presented as members of the Yaka community, the “Mobondo” militiamen are accused of taking an active part in this violence.
The Minister of Defense “alert the council (of ministers) to the fact that the Mobondo phenomenon, formerly localized in the provinces of Kwango, Kwilu, Mai-Ndombe and Kinshasa, tends to be exported to the province of Kongo-Central”, we also indicate in this report.
This conflict in the west of the country has been largely ignored, with attention focused on the eastern region of the country where the M23 rebellion has conquered large portions of territory in North Kivu province, while the armed group Codeco (Cooperative for the Development of Congo) sows terror in Ituri.
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