Gabon: the constitution adopted with 91.80 to € ‰% of votes during the referendum
According to provisional results, € 91.80â ‰% of Gabonese approved the new Constitution established by the military regime of General Brice Oligui Nguema. This result must still be validated by the Constitutional Court before the presidential elections provided for in 2025.
The constitution written by the military regime obtained broad support on Sunday, with 91.80 % of “yes” against 8.20 % “no”. It is considered a “major turning point” for the country after the end of the power of the Bongo dynasty.
The rate of participation in this consultation, a key issue brought by the new strong man in the country, reached € 53.54. .
A total of 868,115 voters were called to vote on Saturday, creating between a green bulletin for the “yes” and a red for the “no”, during this ballot described by power as a “historic moment”, a little more One year after the coup that ended the 55 years of reign of the Bongo family. Once the results have been validated by the Constitutional Court, the next step will be the presidential election, currently planned for 2025, marking the end of the transition.